Burning Heart Workshop was just what I needed. As a working woman driven by purpose, the most important aspect in my journey is to regularly find rest in Christ and intentionally be still to hear from God. The Burning Heart workshop is the prefect way to experience the presence of God as you would at a retreat, but without the big financial investment or time commitment away from family. At the end of the workshop I literately felt like I was away at 3-4 day retreat. Rested & recharged!
Charlena •Boulder, CO
I attended the Burning Hearts Luminous workshop. I was intrigued by the professional invitation. I am not an artist nor do I understand or “get” art. But I am creative in some realms and the allure of the spiritual aspect connecting with that creative space in me stirred the commitment to go. The “getaway” feel of the venue, music, atmosphere was almost spa like in its ability to calm my spirit and breathe in the fresh air of a new experience. Words that were spoken nourished me and gave me a foundation for the rest of the experience. When asked to meditate on artwork, my usually resistance to understanding Art was softened and I engaged in the process and answered the thoughtful questions posed and prepared for the meditation. To my surprise, I was divinely “illuminated” and discovered thoughts and feelings from the picture that spoke several life strengthening words to me. I found some “Holy Hope” to take with me and then create a thing of art of my own to display aesthetically what had transpired internally. A light came on again in my faith life. New faces, new surroundings, new revelations, and a piece of my own artwork to carry home. What a wondrous day.
Cheri •Arvada, CO
The most powerful part of the day for me was the visual reflection on the two paintings. Watching with space—watching and waiting—is a struggle, but it is a part of life. It was a life-changing message during this season for me to be patient and wait. The day gave me time to breathe in. The teamwork, the gentleness of the presentation, and the atmosphere surrounding it all created a wonderful flow to the time.
Debra •Denver, CO
The impact of visually reflecting on artwork was particularly transformative, but I would say the entire day was a mini-retreat for me. It was well worth the drive from the mountains. I loved connecting with others and hearing from the Lord in a unique way!
Jenny •Salida, CO
I was having a rough time with many different things before I went to the workshop. I wasn't even sure that I would be able to go, but I am glad that I did. With many of the responsibilities I had, I only was able to feel the things I had to work on with my relationship with Jesus. (The word I felt Jesus prompting me to base my project upon) was “play”— to relax, and enjoy his presence and have fun with him. Being around like-minded people was an inspiration, and I felt his peace in that."
Jesse•Aurora, CO
My day at Burning Heart Workshop was preceded by a week packed with deadlines, long hours at work, and several anxiety-filled situations. Needless to say, I was distracted at best but, more accurately, mentally and emotionally distant as the workshop began. I was immediately drawn in, however, by the discussion of recent neuroscience discoveries as I’m sort of a science nerd. This teaching was unexpected and not only laid an important foundation for the day’s journey but focused my attention helping me be present throughout the day. The spiritual formation practices and creative experiences that followed, guided me to a deeper connection with my soul and my God. I use the word “guided” because I felt I a lot of freedom to make the workshop what I needed it to be rather than being forced down a specific path of experience.
Overall, I loved it! Its impact will stay with me, and I plan to attend the next one and bring friends with me. Well done Burning Heart team!
John•Denver, CO
The day with Burning Heart Workshops was so life-giving to me. God was working on a bunch of underlying themes. It gave me space to see that maybe I don’t want what God has for me. He helped me take a look at what may be creating tension in the ordinariness of my life.
When we took a walk in the afternoon, even the trees were talking. Their thick and peeling bark imprinted the picture that the beautiful and new growth lies below. I was able to create something that helped me to remember.
If asked why people should go, I’d say because it helps slow your regular rhythm so you can learn in different mediums. You can’t find this kind of experience of God anywhere else that I’ve been.
The stories we shared at our tables and over lunch were really important too. I loved their stories!
Kristin •Parker, CO
I thought the whole day was very relaxing, all aspects of it! The Workshop was great, versatile and unique.
Lisa •Monument, CO
(From a participant’s Instagram blogpost) "Every area of my life that is not glistening with hope is under the influence of a lie."
Such a beautiful day at the Burning Heart Workshop! So many rich times of reflection and encounters with Jesus!
I spent a good while thinking about the quote above and about what areas of my life might be living under the influence of a lie rather than hope. To be honest, so many of the lies I've believed have to do with fear of not being enough, of inadequacy or not measuring up. I want so badly to glorify God in my life, and so often I feel like I've fallen short...again.
But through our creative and reflective time today, I listened with hope and God's truth removed the dark eclipse of the lies around my heart. All the focus on me and my abilities is really just my attempt to be the creator of light, when all I'm really created to do is reflect the One who is Light. His light is not dependent on my strength or weakness to bear it. It is only dependent upon my willingness to keep my face turned towards His as an invitation to do what only He can do in me- radiate glory.
Ironically, my weaknesses and imperfections don't diminish His light, they simply remind others that whatever light they see in me is not my own. This humble little creation of mine from today is my little Ebenezer of remembrance...I'm a "Perfectly Imperfect Reflection." And, that's the hope I'm choosing to listen to!
“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”
2 Corinthians 4:6-7 NIV #hallelujah